Something | Teen Ink


September 27, 2023
By DrgoDmz GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
DrgoDmz GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something like a photo album, is not something that can be replaced

It saw your first steps

It listened to your first words

It tasted your first bite of that cookie grandma had made just after lunch time

Something like that garden that used to grow, colorful and bright

It saw your fastest run in your new shoes

It listened to your laughter as you ran through its bushes

It felt your joy as you lay in the yard for the first picnic of the summer

Something like that old room you used to know, that you now dream of as you sleep

It saw you restless as you dreamt of distant lands

It listened to your music as you fell asleep

It sheltered you from the storm outside as it thundered through the night

Something like a photo album, will remember all of these moments

It listens to the conversation as its passed around the living room

It saw the tears run down my face as I open it once again

It rests as I put in the final picture and I close it one last time

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