Pleasure vs pain | Teen Ink

Pleasure vs pain

November 28, 2022
By Anonymous

            I'm standing in the middle of a sold-out stadium concert in Vegas, I feel the bass beat against my chest. I hear the magical sounds coming from artists on their instruments. These tools that they have perfected their craft to. I'm witnessing them play with my own eyes with no flaw, on the spot. Without the need to have a song guide them. I jump up and down and feel the dampness from sprinkles of someone's drink splash on my leg and smell the mixture of perfume and bad body odor around me. I have a feeling of joy in my body that I don't get often enough, true euphoria.
            This event happened at an interesting point in my life. It had been the last month of the summer before my college school year was about to begin. I must be honest I wasn't completely sure if I was ready for it. On top of that out of all my friends, I was the only one who was going to college. I'm quite aware it shouldn't be a big deal, but it was for me. Also, another thing to mention, I had broken up with my girlfriend a month before. So it's safe to say that this point wasn't exactly the most comfortable in my life. Which may or may not have enhanced the effectiveness of the joy I received from the concert. Regardless, the performance put me in euphoria. Listening to music always creates emotions of any kind but the effect that live music gives is a powerful force that I can't explain.
 Throughout points of the concert, the members of the band would sometimes come up to the mike and speak their minds. At one point the front man made a quick little comment: “Tonight, you should let your girlfriend love you for a change.” Only he didn't say, love. Which I thought was funny to randomly throw out for everyone to hear. Another thing I love about live performances is that they allow the artist to express themselves, for your amusement. I would get extremely excited when they would play my favorite songs, but every moment was amazing. They created a state of mind where no worries enter my head. It was only pleasure there was no pain.
I remember looking at the thousands of other fans around me and seeing that they also have these emotions of joy and happiness. It made me realize the importance of live music.
To the left of me was this group of men that reminded me of the characters from The Wolf of Wallstreet. They had that d**chebag-like attitude, all acting like they were the sh*t. To my right were two girls who were dressed to attract for sure. One of the men from the group on the left walked behind one of the girls and grabbed her behind while making, I can only assume, an inappropriate comment. This aggravated me, I wanted to go over and kick his ass. But I wasn't about to just go over and do something without thinking it out. I had me and my six-foot-two linebacker cousin with me, but they had a group of five. Though none of their group was above five-ten, they all looked like they took steroids. I wasn't about to have my ass get my ass handed to me, but the situation still had me very aggravated. Funny enough, at the time of that concert there had been a documentary about Woodstock festival 99 and all the terrible things that had happened during it. Like all the sexual assaults because of a mass amount of people together for such a long period watching live music. As well as even the more recent events of the Astro world festivals and the violence there. Which does put a bad representation on mass crowds of people listening to music.
I wish we could avoid these upsetting situations I wish were avoidable, but they are everywhere. But these are but a small portion of the actual event that is happening to make people happy and free from pain. But even with bad happening, I think of how no matter what pleasure we receive there's always pain to meet it. Just like how when there's pain there's a pleasure to meet it.
From my experience overall at the concert I think that it was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I believe that going out to shows and seeing people perform is beneficiary thing for many people. Going to a massive event with thousands of people may not sound like a comfortable experience for some. Which is a reasonable opinion to have. But I think you would miss out on a very amazing experience of happiness. If your reason is that you don't like music in general, you shouldn't be reading this in the first place. Or if you do, you may just be not into being around thousands of people. I would suggest a small venue for your first experience.
Thinking back on my experience of having so much joy from that concert, I plan on keep going to more in the future. As well as realizing that my education could even help me be involved with it. Or at least give me the ability to have the money to be able to keep going to them.

The author's comments:

This is an essay from my composition 101 class and if published ill receive extra credit. So please help a brother out!

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