2020, The Year We Will All Remember | Teen Ink

2020, The Year We Will All Remember

December 18, 2020
By Anonymous

   2020 has been a crazy year for me, well, probably everyone.  Let’s start from the beginning. At the start we were all excited, now we demand for the end of it. April 1st, 2020, it was my 15th birthday. Yay, right? WRONG! It was the worst birthday of all time. I couldn’t celebrate. Covid- 19 had taken over the world. To be honest, 2020 has been the worst year of my life. It’s been pretty insane so far if you ask me. A couple months go by and it's June 7th. This day I will never forget. I had a horrible accident.

I was riding my bike around my neighborhood with some friends. They decided to do something really stupid, and of course i agreed. They decided to ramp the biggest hill in our neighborhood. It’s like the size of a mountain, or that's what it seemed like. In my head I was saying,”why would I agree to this?” I knew instantly that I made the wrong decision. I rode as fast as light to the hill. But as soon as i reached it, it was already game over. I was going too fast to stop now. I hit a tree root which launched me higher than I already was. I went completely sideways mid-air. I thought to myself,“ man i really messed up this time...” BOOM! I hit the ground so hard I heard ringing for a good 5 minutes. That's not all though. I couldn't feel anything. My arm was numb from the shoulder down. When I hit the ground I heard a crack so I knew this wasn't a good sign. I got up as fast as lightning can hit the ground. My friend almost ran me over. As soon as I got up I started walking home. I was walking for what felt like a mile before I got home. There was a slight problem though. No one was home. My dad nor my step-mom were there. I said to myself, “ THIS IS NOT GOOD!” I started walking again. It felt like another mile before I got to my aunts house. I got there and found my step mom on her couch. I calmly said,” I think I broke my collar bone.” My step-mom freaked out. She kept repeating “Ok” over and over again. It was pretty hilarious. 

We got to the hospital 20 minutes later. I got X-rays done, come to find out I did more than break my collar bone. I snapped it and shattered it. They had to do surgery the next week. This was my first surgery and first broken bone. For my first time for both things, it went very smoothly. The surgery was done in less than an hour. To be honest I was thinking of the worst before I went in. I thought something really horrible was going to happen. I may sound a little dramatic about it but what do you expect from someone going into their first surgery. The good part about all of it was that it was my sisters birthday. I couldn't do much though because I just had surgery not even 5 hours ago. Enough about my collar bone, let's move 2 months ahead to the month of August.

August 7th, 2020, I try to commit suicide. Yes, you read that right. I attempted suicide. This is another time I will never forget. I was really stressed out and was feeling down because of my family. I had no one to talk to. It was getting too hard to handle so I did the unthinkable. I overdosed on my meds. I will never go near another pill again. I took 76 Topamax, 300 milligrams each. The amount to kill you is 2,500 milligrams. I took 22,800. My entire prescription was eaten like candy. Topamax is a pill for people who have really bad migraines or have seizures in their brains. When i woke up I was at the hospital. They told me that my little brother found me on the floor in my bedroom, unresponsive. Then they said I was going to be admitted to a mental hospital. My time spent there was amazing. I never thought a mental hospital was going to be as fun and relaxing as I thought it was going to be. They helped me alot while I was there. I got a lot off of my chest. It was a slight vacation away from my family. We did a lot of cool stuff while I was in there. They treated me with lots of care. We had a lot of group therapy.  Let’s move on to the next thing that happened to me this year. My mom broke her wrist. 

There's not much to talk about here. My mom was at work and she was lifting boxes. She lifted one a little too heavy for her and when she got it on the shelf, it wasn't on there far enough. It fell on her hand and it hit the perfect spot and snapped her wrist. She texted me and said,” my turn,” with an emoji slapping its own face. I said,” what do you mean?” and she said,” I broke my wrist.” I was shocked. I saw her the next day and asked how her wrist was doing and she showed me what it looked like. I am forever scared. Her wrist was all bloody and her bone was sticking out. I didn't know how to react. She went straight to the hospital. Moving on to the next and final incident that happened this year.

My brother got hit by a car. The day he got hit by a car was extremely stressful. I wanted to kill the guy who hit him to be completely honest with you. My brother was riding his bike and went to cross the street. He looked both ways before he crossed but he must not have seen the car coming. The car was going a good 40 mile per hour on a 25 mile per hour road. My brother flew a good 3 feet and his bike went 3 times that. My brother was crying out in pain and when it happened I sprinted down there and pushed a cop out of the way to help my brother. They got him on a stretcher and headed to the airfield to care-flight him to Dayton childrens. He was released on his 3rd day there. He came home and rested a lot. To this day he hasn’t rode another bike since then. 2020 has and continues to be crazy, but in the end it is one year we will never forget.

The author's comments:

This peice is about everything that has happened to me so far in 2020 

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