8 things I learned in 8th grade | Teen Ink

8 things I learned in 8th grade

May 16, 2019
By alexisgreat BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
alexisgreat BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Always ask dad first.
Dad will most likely not care what you do as long as it not too stupid.

Don’t throw pure sodium in water.
I learned this in science(I didn’t try it). It blows up when it hits the water.

Never ever read the terms and services.
It takes to much time to read it all. Also most of the time it’s safe.

Sleep is one of the rarest things you’ll get.
You’ll always be tired no matter what. Enjoy the little amount of sleep you get.

Don’t take spanish, take it later.
Spanish is a really stressful class and the hardest in my opinion. Let yourself wait to take it later when your more comfortable with how the school work.

You can find most answers for homework
online(only when you can’t figure it out).

If you have a really  hard worksheet you can normally find the answer     sheet online. If you do this talk to people tomorrow to understand it better.

Friends can tell you a lot about a test.
A friend who took a test before you can  give examples of the questions, help you prepare more and can help get rid of some of the stress.  

Reading a book is the best way to ignore someone.
This is the best way in my opinion to ignore someone. If you just try to ignore somebody normally then they notice and try to make you stop. Reading they’ll just leave you alone.  

The author's comments:

This is 8 things I learned this year.

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