There Is Always a Light | Teen Ink

There Is Always a Light

April 11, 2019
By Anonymous

Times can get rough and it may seem like your in an endless tunnel of darkness with no escape or hope of freedom. There is always a light, sometimes finding that light may prove difficult but perseverance and hope are powerful.

As a kid times got rough. Living with no dad and my mom's abusive boyfriend I felt like I was trapped. It didn't help my mom was always hooked on drugs and in and out of jail. During times like this it's easy to get down and even though I hated every single moment I had to persevere. Seven years of trying to find my way out of the darkness and my perseverance paid off which is why I always stand by fighting your way out of tough times.

Finding your light requires hope. Even though it may seem like there is no hope at all there always is as long as you have the right mindset. Waking up every morning in our 1 bedroom trailer it seemed like there was only a sliver of hope. I would alway pray that my mom would turn her life around and find a steady job or I would pray I had a better opportunity. I feel like I had a strong mindset for a 6 year old after losing my uncle who was in a gang, losing my mother to drugs, and never having a father to begin with.

Through these first six years of my life it was very dark. When I look back at those times I credit my perseverance and hope for getting a better opportunity. Getting adopted was the bright light at the end of my tunnel and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. No matter your situation if you persevere and continue to have hope, I promise you will find that light you have always been looking for!

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