Fighting to save my Life. | Teen Ink

Fighting to save my Life.

February 12, 2019
By harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is impossible to live without failing at something ."-JK Rowling

I was a happy child, I never was sad I didn't have a reason to be sad. When I was 11 I was in this advanced school, where you were expected to be perfect and to not mess up. When I was 12 I moved schools and this was the first time I experienced culture shock, going to a school of 200 to a school of 2000. My mood very quickly changed, I was shy and didn't like talking to anyone. It took 4 month for my best friend now to get through to me and talk to me. I quickly turned into this depressed child who had no idea what her emotions are, so she bottled them up, and lashed them onto the people she loved the most. She didn't want to hurt them, I didn’t want to hurt them. During that time I wasn't happy, I never thought I could be happy. Life was just that this boring thing that no one  has time for. At the end of my 7th grade year, I met my other best friend. She was happy and she believed we were here for a reason. I wanted to be more like her, so I watched some youtubers I used to watch when I was happy. Of course it didn't help that much, but I figured enough was enough over that summer I worked, and I worked. When in was 13, I was still bottling up my emotions, but every one month I would have a mental breakdown and just cry for hours. I worked on that voicing my opinion and my emotions where much healthier than bottling them up. Ever since I was 14, I have been the happiest I've ever be. Going onto the years where I need to apply for college and focus in my future is going to be stressful I know that I also know what that in will keep fighting for my happiness.  

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