Sacramento my home | Teen Ink

Sacramento my home

January 11, 2019
By Anonymous

Sacramento is the city of trees we have a brand new golden 1 center were the sacramento kings play. Sacramento has a rich charm in every neighborhood, annual income is about $80,000. Sactown has the most updated hotels, Brand new buildings hottest rappers that can come and perform at the golden one center.

That's not the whole truth about sacramento. South sac is a whole lot of diversity with mixed races, A lot of homeless annual income is nowhere near $80,000 there's dirty apartments houses with broken windows there's a lot of graffiti on the street billboards and on walls. I’m from south sac where police shoot other people of color and there's a lot of gangs. In sacramento there's not so rich neighborhoods.

Sacramento has certain problems such as poverty being low and a lot of homeless walking around asking for money especially people that are in their 30’s being poor and homeless, homeless dying because they don't have any homes or shelter, insurance, medical insurance which tends to cause many people to die. Sacramento is the top six in human traffic, and don't even get me started with human trafficking.

I wish Sacramento wasn't as poor for certain areas, or homeless dying cause lack of money no medical or insurance. Sacramento is a nice place to visit but it's not what certain people say it looks like.

The author's comments:

I am a 15 year old freshman at luther burbank high school and i am speaking about the reality of sacramento and the struggles about Sacramento

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