A Moment to Cherish | Teen Ink

A Moment to Cherish

December 12, 2018
By Anonymous

As I walked through the summer heat, I made my way to the front of my school called the horseshoe. It was a Friday, so I was thrilled to just go home without any distractions. My mom, who had just gotten off of work, was patiently sitting in her car in the air conditioning waiting for me to get out of dance team practice. Just like a normal day, I walked to her car to get in. As soon as I touched the hot handle of the black car, my mom told me that she needed to drop something off at the office, which touched the road of the horseshoe. Oddly, she would not let me put my things in the car and wait for her to bring it herself. It was very hot and I was still sweaty from non-stop practicing. I was forced to walk with her through the heat.

I begin to walk toward the office, when my mom quickly takes out her brightly colored phone for a reason that was foreign to me at the time. She had the biggest smile on her face, while I had a confused smile on my sweaty face. As we walked, I heard a horn honk from the area which we were headed towards. I was taken back by the squeaky, semi-loud sound. As I turned my head to see what the sound was about, I saw a small bright white car that sat directly in front of the doors of the office. At this point, I was still very perplexed and began to try to figure out the situation I was put in. I turned to my mom and she proceeded to tell me that the new car was mine.

I could not believe the words that had just come out of her mouth. Tears started to fall down my face, making my face take on a even more shiny state than it did since I stepped outside. My stomach was filled with butterflies as I ran to hug my mother, then to hug my dad who was the one who honked the horn. After two years of waiting for a car, my dream was fulfilled and my parents finally gave me the gift that they had been waiting to give me. Because I had waited so patiently to get a car, my emotions were all over the place because it was a surprise that had meant so much to me. I also could not wait to show off my very expensive toy to all my friends that were also patiently waiting as well. The first thing that I did after realizing that the 2018 Toyota was mine was to sit in my advanced ride. I sat on my clean, black fabric seats and touched the black leather steering wheel. The smell of a new car filled my nose and the love for my parents filled my heart.

I had never been so happy with life. I was so happy that we were able to experience this moment together. Being together for my family is very hard because of the divorce between my mother and father. Seeing each of my parents excited and happy in the same moment is very rare. I could not be happier than to share this joy and love with both of them at the same time.

The author's comments:

This was an amazing moment for me. My parents and I shared a memory with each other that I will never forget, so I choose to write this personal narrative about the experience.

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