Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

December 3, 2018
By jnewman916 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
jnewman916 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The letter that I chose to represent my vice and virtue is the letter P. The adjective I chose to represent my personal virtue is “positive.” My whole life, I have always made it one of my priorities to smile and look at the positive outlook of situations. It is very important to me to be positive all of the time because life is too short to waste time worrying about negativity. When someone is having a bad day, I do my best to help them focus on the silver lining of the situation.   I have been told that I always radiate a positive and happy energy towards the people who surround me. I hope that I will always be able to maintain this outlook because having positivity should help me in my academic and personal life.

The quality that I chose as my vice is procrastination. Procrastination is an area in my life, which needs improvement. As I write this paper at 11:00 pm the night before it is due, it is clear that this vice is something I hope to remedy. Being a sophomore comes with a lot of responsibilities, activities, and commitments which makes time management difficult. Even though I try to stay ahead of the game, I still find myself scurrying at the last minute to complete the tasks. As my schoolwork becomes more challenging, it is important that I learn to overcome my vice of procrastination. One day, I hope to finish my assignments in a timely manner and prevent the feeling of being rushed and stressed out.

I wore my letter p around school on Tuesday, November 13. When I wore my letter, many people asked what the meaning behind it was. I explained to them that in the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the main character Hester Prynne wears a letter as well. At first, her letter a represented the word “adultery” because she committed the sin of adultery. Later in the novel when she began to grow and mature, the letter a took on the meaning of “able.” Then I explained to the other students how I also struggle with a vice just like Hester Prynne, but also have a virtue beginning with the same letter. Throughout the day I enjoyed informing others of the meaning behind the letter p I wore on my blouse. I encouraged my friends to come up with their own vices and virtues, and to reflect on fixing their vices and valuing their virtues.

The author's comments:

This was a writing assignement assigned in my English III class. This assignment focused on the novel, The Scarlet Letter. Just like the main character Hester Prynne, everyone has their own vices and virtues.

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