My Neighborhood | Teen Ink

My Neighborhood

September 20, 2018
By JoelRichards BRONZE, Auburn, New York
JoelRichards BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up in my neighborhood is an experience that not everybody had coming up in life. This neighborhood is not like normal neighborhoods where every house is side by side with not even enough room in your backyard to fit an average sized swimming pool. Where I grew up it seemed like I was excluded from the city life that so many people glorify, it seemed as if I was in my own small paradise, with small glimpses of the demented life of the nerve-racking city.

Where I grew up I’ve never woke up to the sounds of reckless drivers screeching their wheels as they go fifty miles per in a designated thirty mile an hour zone. It’s more like waking up to the sound of the grand green John deere tractor tearing up the corn fields, making as much ruckus as they would like while they are not worrying about any person in the area trying to sleep at six o'clock on the morning. Sometimes the cool breeze comes over the country hills and makes you shiver even on the scorching hot summer days. Some people say there is a downside to living where I do because it takes so long to get into the city, leaving you with nothing to do. I completely disagree, there is nothing like relaxing on a cool summer night, sitting back in your favorite lawn chair and enjoying a warm, cozy campfire. The relaxing sounds of crickets chirping in the starry night interrupting you as you have a conversation with your closest friends. The best thing about the night time in my neighborhood is that when you look up in the sky it seems impossible to miss any of the stars in the sky because they shine so bright and they contrast with the dark night sky all so perfectly. Another great thing to do where I live is wake up early to see the sunrise over the enormous corn fields. It seems like the corn fields wake up when the sun comes up because all at once you see the gorgeous sunrise as you see the green fields being harvested up by farmers. The sunrise seems to stretch all the way to each side as the earth, everyday a new painting in the sky so beautiful and unique. The neighborhood I grew up in is full of amazing people too. No matter the time of the day if you need help with something, you can always count on your neighbors to be there. When there is a winter storm outside and it is so cold and windy that only five minutes in this weather could make your cheeks turn bright red my neighbors will always be there if you are bored or lonely with nothing to do. The wintertime where I live are super rough because the wind and the plows form the main road in front of my house pile up the white fluffy snow right in front of the driveway making it impossible for any of our four cars to get stuck in the driveway. Growing up in the country is an amazing time and I do not regret it at all.

Growing up where I did was a great experience and I’d suggest that if you haven’t grown up in a country, spend a little time there because the views are beautiful and everything about it is to me very exciting. The life of the city and the life of the city are two completely different things and that why I feel like we have many different type of personalities around the world. This is why I find so many things exciting that other people wouldn't all because of the pace I was raised in. Therefore, if I were to have grown up anywhere else in the world I would not be the person I am today.

The author's comments:

Where I from people always assume that I am from New York City if they are from out of state but the truth is, I am far from it and growing up where I did molded me into the person who I am today.

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