Going to Cedar Point | Teen Ink

Going to Cedar Point

October 31, 2016
By Anonymous

¨Yes¨ I said we were going to cedar point  I was so happy I ran to my room and packed my clothes when I was done I got in the car and we went to pick up my aunts and then we went to burger king to get some food my aunts came with us and they let me play games on their phone.

When we got on the highway I went to sleep for about thirty minutes and then I looked out the window and we were still on the highway and we was not near cedar point.every second I felt like we were getting closer and the more excited I got. During the car ride we stopped by the store to get gas and to use the bathroom then we sat there for a little bit and suddenly people that we know came behind us and they talked to my dad and my mom and after awhile we got back on the road we drove for like a couple hours and that is when we found out we was lost so we stopped at a hotel room The girls stayed in one room and the boy in another but my brother stayed in the room with us.The next morning we all went swimming and my mom stayed back and my dad did to so it was me my aunts and my brother.I got in the pool to swim and my brother told me to come here so I got out and then the next thing I know I was getting thrown in the pool.when they throw me I went under water and then I had to walk all the way to the other end but i think one of them came to get me because I did not come up and I was really angry at them when they came I got out and went to tell my mom and they got in trouble.

After a minute we left and got on the road and went to Burger King. chicken nugget and fries and I looked out the window and I saw the rides and I said ¨mom look I see cedar point¨ then we all got excited and that was my trip to cedar point.When we went to cedar point I saw roller coasters  and  I heard people screaming . Me and my brother got on a roller coaster but I had to sit by someone I did not know and she was nice. When it started I wanted to cry because I was really frightened but I didn't I sat in my seat and did not say anything because i could not talk but i guess the lady found out that I was scared because I looked like it.then we ate again but this time it was not burger king it was chicken tenders and fries.We stayed all day and finally we went to the hotel room again and it was the best day ever.

The author's comments:

I was little Kid when I went here went here.

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