Through My Eyes(equality) | Teen Ink

Through My Eyes(equality)

April 28, 2016
By Anonymous

When I first learned about equality was when I was 8 years old. My cousins and I use to play with one of our neighbors a 12 year old boy, he was a very happy and joyful person. They bullied him in school, I didn’t knew why at the time but what I did knew it was that he never let all those mean words said to him  bring him down. He never showed how he really felt on the inside until one day my cousins and I saw him outside his house crying so we went over and asked him "what’s wrong?" "Are you okay?" he didn’t say much. All he said was "nobody understands but soon I will feel better" and he left , we didn’t understand  what he was trying to say .Few days passed and he stopped coming outside to play with us we would go look for him but his brothers and sister didn’t let us go in and talked to him. His family were very unfair with him they treated him bad like if he was a stranger living in their house. After the day that we went looking for him we got the bad news that he had committed suicide because he was gay and people didn’t accept the way he was his parents didn’t accept the fact that he was gay either .They never realize that no matter how or who their son was , he was just a normal kid . After he was gone they regret not giving him the love and support he needed. I never knew he was gay I just knew him as a normal boy, a human like everyone else. From this I learned that people in different parts of the world are making young teenagers kill themselves for being bullied or not being accepted for who they are .We all are equal and no one can change the way we are.

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