Train Like a Champion, Fight Like a Champion | Teen Ink

Train Like a Champion, Fight Like a Champion

June 5, 2015
By Eduardo600 BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
Eduardo600 BRONZE, Moline, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I saw my name in the bracket that I was going to fight the first day their. I got really nervous and started shaking because it was a really big moment.  Imagine the biggest tournament ever. I was also really happy because I made it that far , because first you have to win state, then regionals.

So right before I was going to fight, I was relaxed, and trying to stay calm as much as I could be. Then after a bit I went to go change to my shorts and shirt, after that I got my hand wraps on.

I was wondering how they are were gonna do it with three rings? That’s gonna be really hard to handle.  What if someone forgot and he thought it was done so he put his hands down ,and they knocked him down? That would suck. I thought it was pretty cool how they had people fighting at the same time.  

when i got in the ring it was like the world was staring at at me, their were so many people their.  After the fight i was really proud of myself for fighting a good fight. I was really nervous to hear the scorecards , I was in the blue corner by the way. After they announced that the red corner won I was really disappointed,but I was also so proud of myself because i tried my hardest and came that far my 1st year of boxing.        

Then the year after that I made it to the nationals also. This time there was also no one in my weight at state. So I moved on to the regionals in Kansas again, because we have 5 states in our region. Our region number was 5. Every state's host the regionals for 2 years. the next 2 years we get them. So when we got to kansas city the day before the weigh in and fights. We stayed at this really nice hotel which was called Holiday inn. So the next morning we got up early to go weigh in. We went to the place where the fights were going to be at.

My coach told me their was two people my weight. What they were gonna do is put all of our names in a bucket and whoever got picked wasn’t gonna fight till saturday. There was a kid from Missouri who was really tall, and a kid from Kansas. The kid from Missouri got the bye so he wasn’t gonna fight till saturday. Me and the kid from Kansas was going to fight saturday to see who moved on to the regional championship match.

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