Joining the Cult | Teen Ink

Joining the Cult

June 12, 2014
By Anonymous

Week 2 being in my new school and my only friend is Isaiah ;my cousin. Now me and the class is heading to music class in the auditorium, where everything was cover in brown paint besides the wooden seats that are half damaged. I walk down the slope then sat in the 4th row on the 3th column and the seat wasn’t as damaged as bad. This is my first time meeting my music teacher, Ms.Carver. Blonde hair, really tall about like 6”2 and she had this condition where her hands just move extremely fast like a fetching dog. A few minutes pass and I suddenly have to use the bathroom so like any other average student would I asked.

“Go ahead” Ms.Carver said with a smile

So I got up my seat and I started walking down the white walled hallways and next thing I know I see this red soft squeeze apple toy and I took it into my inventory.

Now heading back to the auditorium I got back into my seat and I started examining my apple toy and then a random voice yelled.

“What’s that you got there kid ? “

“An apple toy, wanna see ?”

So I passed him the toy and in return I learned his name, Ferdinand. Brown hair, short and wearing blue jeans with a white t-shirt. Moments later I see Ferdinand sticking the apple toy inside his pants. Now I’m shock because this so called cool kid just took my toy and rubbed his junk all on it. After Ferdinand finished transferring his germs onto the toy he kept the toy until we got on line and the Ferdinand started throw the apple at around between me and my cousin Isaiah, next thing we know it lands next to our fast handed teacher and she picks it up. Now I am still confused till this day but Ms.Carver picked up the toy and started rubbing the apple on her FACE. Ferdinands germs all on her face just invading her pale milk white face. A student by the name of Jada told our teacher that the apple was on the junk of her student, Ferdinand. I also was in deep trouble for “stealing” something that wasn’t mine but yet I found this apple on the ground of our school which was paint white with a dash of blue. So as punishment me and Ferdinand had to clean her closet during lunch, and now even since that day we become best friends or as we will say, BROHAMS.

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