Seven Days of Heaven | Teen Ink

Seven Days of Heaven

May 17, 2013
By spechalpete BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
spechalpete BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Spechal Pete
Creative Writing
20 Feburary 2013
Seven Days of Heaven
Around the first week of September was when I realized I loved meeting new people, trying new things, and traveling around the world. I went on a cruise, Cruise Carnival. It was the best thing ever. I went on the cruise with my cousins, my older sister, nieces and nephews. The whole purpose of the cruise was for family friend graduation present .I really dislike her so honestly I really was only going to get away and out of school.
Before I was excited and nervous; I was nervous because ever since Titanic I said I would never ever get on a ship in the middle of the ocean. We arrived at the port in Galveston. The boat was juicy big. I became scared all over again; after checking in and getting the entire luggage docked we finally made it onto the ship. It was so many different people speaking different languages. I was looking around wandering how it was going to feel, being with all of these people for a week .All of us on the ship in the middle of the ocean. We were all different. Different culture, skin colors, smells; just different. I wasn’t too worried about it though. I was happy that I did not have to go to school. When we got on the boat we actually didn’t leave to around four that evening. While waiting to take off and for our rooms, we went to the main deck .I think is the best deck on the boat because that’s where all the food was. The Lido Deck is what they called it. This deck was heaven. There were all types of food ;American, Chinese, Indian. Everything and it was always open and you can eat how much you want anytime .The thing that stood out to me the most was the fruit. When I saw all the different types of fruit I forgot about where I was, what I was about to do and everything else I was uneasy about when I saw the boat. It was almost time to take off. I was full and ready to explore the boat.
It was one thing we had to do before the ship took off. The worst thing about the boat if you asked me, it was the Safety class. We all had to attend this class. We, as in every person on that cruise ship. It was the lowest deck where all the safety equipment was kept. It didn’t have much air coming through plus the amount of people on the boat. I thought about the slave ships in history. This was very similar. It was very hot and squished. There were people talking and breathing on the back of your neck. Did I mention that the breath was Hot Breath? We were all sweating and crammed into this little compacted space. The struggle became too real when the class actually started. The instructors were in the front of us. Not all of us were the same height so there were people again with the hot breath on my neck asking each other what was said and what not. I don’t think it would have been that bad if we didn’t have to stand up the whole time. Although the class was not the best part of the cruise; however it was still a part of the cruise that drew me closer and made it easier for me to get used to being with the different kind of people. It was the awkward moment of the unwanted bonding time. When the class was over everyone was trying to make it out where there was fresh air. I was happy; air had never felt so good to me. After the class it was now time to take off. The lady came on the intercom and counted down from ten. When she hit one I didn’t know what to expect. It wasn’t even that bad the boat shook a little and we were off. It would have been legit if there was people on the dock that I could wave to like they do on the movies but it wasn’t. So I just waved to the birds, buildings, and the ferries.
On the boat after we really got sailing, it was a piece of cake. It was like a party boat. We were on the Lido. They played music and we had like a little deck party. Everyone was meeting each other. Talking and dancing. I was on the big screen doing the robot. Later on that night we went to dinner and they had all types of fancy food .I never knew they cooked octopus, squid , and everything else. I wasn’t about that life, so I stuck with the steak and potatoes. It was weird at dinner time. They would take pictures of you eat. I actually thought dinner was going to be crazy because I just imagined everybody’s glasses and drinks spilling because of the boat movement but it didn’t happen. I also thought looking at the waves and eating were going to make me sick but it was pretty and I felt just fine.
At one of the parties I met this one girl named Heather. The line dance Wobble was playing. Everyone was doing the wobble; which is quite easy and she comes up to me and say “I Wish I was Black”. At first I just looked at her like okay. I finally ask why. Heather answers with “Because I want to know how to dance”. I showed her to do the wobble. This was a mistake because she swears she is black. Ever since that day I call her inside out OREO because I told her she can be black on the inside. I also met a girl name Jocelyn she was from Cuba and she was use to water unlike me. When we went to the beach this girl had me bout to drown. At the beach it was different activities and things to do like speed boats, water slides and snorkeling. I didn’t like the sound of any of those things; but somehow Jocelyn had me jumping of things and looking at Nemos and all types of crazy stuff. I’m glad I got to meet them because meeting new people mean you try new things. The cruise showed me that I am down to do anything even if deep down I’m scared.
I swear the whole time I was on the boat I never slept. It was always something to do on the ship. You could go down and eat at three o’ clock in the morning. It was a casino, different types of clubs, comedy shows and game shows. Swimming was always open but I never liked the water because it was too salty. I played basketball most of the was at the very top of the ship. If you looked down it was pretty scary but once you get used to it you forgot all about it. I think that everyone should go on a cruise because it’s something that you can go and just get away. If I could relive this week I would do it very often. I enjoyed learning about everyone’s cultures. I enjoyed meeting all the new people. They came from all over the world and I still talk to some of them today. If I had to describe this in only a few words I would definitely describe it as Seven Days of Heaven.

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My experience on a cruise

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