Letter of Encouragement to Future Self | Teen Ink

Letter of Encouragement to Future Self

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

To my future self, I hope you find yourself surrounded with happiness and accomplishments. As I am coming out of junior year myself, I’ve learned a lot so far that hopefully can encourage you wherever you are in your own life. 

Firstly, when mom says, “why are you so worried about what others think,” actually take that into consideration because she’s right. Lots of times I found myself worrying and stressing about things out of my control. Most of the time, they were about silly things that didn’t even matter. It’s okay to put yourself first sometimes, which may be hard but it helps you be true to yourself. 

Secondly, if things aren’t going to plan as you wanted them to, expect that. So far in highschool it seems as though nothing has gone to plan. But once again, that's out of your control. Everything happens for a reason and going through a tough time only makes you stronger.  

Thirdly, surround yourself with positivity. Bring people into your life that care about you and don’t be afraid to care about others. Having a small inner circle with people who bring joy, nourishment, encouragement, and so much more is better than having a big circle with no one that you can truly go to. Show people that you care for them and let others care for you. 

Finally, you're going to make mistakes – sometimes you’ll make that mistake multiple times – but don’t let that ruin you. Mistakes are all a part of the process and in the end help you learn. Grow from mistakes and let them become lessons. 

To my future self, I believe in you. I know that you have the potential to be strong and resilient. You are capable of reaching all your goals so don’t limit yourself. Give love, receive love, dream big, never give up. Most importantly, always remember at the end of the day no matter what happens that it will all be okay.

With love and encouragement, 

Your younger self.

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