The Mountain | Teen Ink

The Mountain

November 21, 2019
By ezche335 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
ezche335 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Tonight was especially caliginous. The street was barren aside from the four slender figures traversing with haste across the sidewalks. Light poured timidly on the roadway from lanky lamp posts guarding what little reach it had over the ever-growing ocean of obscurity. Their destination seemed absurd. Nonetheless, they advanced into the darkness away from the comfort of light. A subtle crunch of gravel was the only thing that resonated in the quiet night. There was a pause in the pace; an obstacle stood in front of them. It was an invitation into the earth. A slight deviation from the projected path was necessary to carry forward. After a discussion, there was a collective realization that progress could only be made through tackling it head-on. One by one they prudently climbed into the crevice. Every single motion was choreographed perfectly. By now society was far and distant. Just a sparkle of lights reminded them of the way back. Darkness enveloped the group, but they trudged on.

       A musty, earthy smell hung in the air. It must’ve rained earlier that day. Evidence of the previous storm became more apparent as progression occurred. Mud puddles and malleable floors welcomed them. By now, there was no evidence of any infrastructure, no cages, no limits. One by one, beams of light pierced the pitch-black night; it was almost impossible to continue without the assistance. After a reasonable amount of time passed, they reached the foot of the beast. It had looked much tamer from the window. However, they could not turn back now, they’ve gone too far.

     There was no concrete path to the pinnacle, after all, it was never meant to be scaled. The group took a gamble at the optimal passage. Like ants, they proceeded up the rocky behemoth, the motivation for the journey was clear, curiosity, adventure and rebellion. The expedition was an escape from the daily monotony of life, a therapeutic retreat. It was an easy climb at first, lifeless snags, and light rubble littered the way. This was a falsification of the journey ahead. A once manageable path soon merged into treacherous unstable land and deceptive rocks. It became apparent that the flashlights used to provide a sense of security would have to be retired if they were to continue. This wasn't a major hindrance as they have almost gotten accustomed to the black. The damp slabs fought back as they were gripped. It protested and jolted under the weight of four teenage boys. In spite of the potential for severe injury, there was not a single thought of retreating into the amenity and safety of home.

     About halfway through the journey, they reached a jagged outcrop. It became apparent that a quick interlude was required. The entire party was winded from the intensity of the trek. The earthy smell became more evident as they savored their rest. It was very comforting, like a familiar smell of halcyon days. The scent brought back memories of carefree frolicking amid earth’s drizzle. The subtle panting of the collective joined a chorus of grasshoppers and cicadas. Abruptly, a blood-curdling scream encroached the choir, it echoed throughout the entire valley. The tone was ghastly and inhumane. Its appearance was the catalyst for a sudden desire to reach the top. Promptly, water, backpacks, and jackets were gathered from the floor, and they hastily started again on the perilous path. The screams haunted them up the ascent, never too far away but always at a cautionary distance. They were being followed, there was no doubt about it, another presence could be felt tailing them. The entity made sure to never be spotted, it was a veteran predator, intimidated but curious. Soon, it lost interest as the group reached the final stretch to the peak. 

     The excursion was formidable but somehow the party emerged unscathed victoriously at the top. Every step of the journey was worth the final remuneration. A sea of lights encompassed them, red, green, white, yellow, they shone obnoxiously in the deep night. The uniformity of the land was made clear by the grid-like structure of the city below. It was a mostly level landscape with the occasional outliers. A flamboyant casino stood in the distance, alternating colors hypnotically. The light pollution became distinct as a silvery hue resonating above the city appeared. How can such a beautiful sight be juxtaposed with such dangerous overtones? Below the cliff was a steep drop that guaranteed a swift demise. The base was hazy and concealed by the cover of night. Everyone sat on mossy, fragile rocks and admired the scenery. It was truly a spectacle to be appreciated, the industrialization of a desert into a bustling city filled with a million souls. Insignificant cars crawl along the extensive system of roads and airplanes glide gracefully through the night skies, producing only a faint flash of anti-collision lights. Afar, the city ends and is met by a low, empty desert. A heavy breeze occupied the otherwise peaceful witching hour. Abruptly, lightning flashed and lit up the clear sky. It was quickly protested by the roar of thunder. The time had come to descend; it was not ideal to fight the storm. Each member gave a final glance at the breathtaking horizon and left a talisman of their past. A ripped bill, a broken cross, and frayed spectacles got scattered across the peak. Perhaps they will never feel the touch of another human. That night, the mountain had been conquered.

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