How I dated my step sister | Teen Ink

How I dated my step sister

October 16, 2019
By saylorksdnsonfd BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
saylorksdnsonfd BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My first year of school in Michigan was sixth grade in Pennfield around five to six years ago. My dad struggled to get a job our first year and I struggled to make friends; eventually, he found a job and I started to talk to more people. My dad ended up making a friend at his new job and he would always leave never knowing where he was going. One day he did ask me if I wanted to go with him so I hopped in the van and he drove away. That day was New Years Eve. Light snow on the ground and a white out coming into town we arrive at my dad's friend’s house I meet him (Allen) and his son (Austen), we ended up staying the night and leaving early in the morning. A few weeks later I met Austen’s sister (Sa’Torie A.K.A Torie) we were pushed into a room together to play Mortal Kombat; this was very awkward. The first three times I met her we never talked but she was someone I couldn’t stop thinking about. That summer her, Austen, and I would hang out almost everyday. We even signed up to Full Blast so we always had somewhere to hang out at. Eventually, I asked her out. 

We dated from around 2016 October to 2017 March. The first time we broke up I was sitting in her room at her dad’s house when she called me from her grandmas and she broke up with me. During this time I didn’t think about anything I held my composure till after the call was hung up. I sat there crying till we left their house, going back home I laid awake staring at the ceiling thinking about what I could have done to keep her. The week after breaking up I would text her like usual but this time to convince her that I should be the first one she thinks of and the last thing she has on her mind.

One month later, we start dating again this time it’s strictly during the summer. Seeing each other almost everyday we had a connection. We had a bond that started as an unknown friendship but then blossomed into a troubling physically abusive mentally destroying relationship. The physically wasn’t leaving bruises or anything and in fact the violence was directed towards me. She would take wooden and plastic spoons and hit me, she would call me names like “woosy” and “bitch.” This might have been caused by where she grew up and who her past boyfriends were.  This time we tried doing more stuff and hanging out more but both of our parents (my dad, her mom) were strict and wanted to meet before we could go to dances, restaurants, and other places alone. They met one day after school.

I had and have struggled with depression and self harm. I was at school when one of the teachers sent me to the office after seeing my arms. They called my dad and told him what was going on. I finished the rest of the school day and when I got home he confronted me. We tried talking but he didn’t have the patience to sit their and wait for me to answer his questions between my sobs, so he took me to talk to Allen’s girlfriend. Their while talking Austen and his sister show up with their mom. My dad thinks its a good idea to go talk to her about me since her daughter and I date. They spend around thirty to forty-five minutes talking outside in her car. A month later Torie broke up with me again. I still had a soft spot for her when my dad told me that him and Austin’s mom were dating. I wasn’t mad and after a few days texting her I called Torie and asked her out but she told me it would be weird with our parents dating but in different circumstances she would. Her mom started coming around more and staying nights with us; Eventually, Austen and Torie started staying with us. At that time we lived with my grandma in a two bedroom trailer. When you walk into the trailer the room Austen, Torie, and me shared was on the right, my dads room was at the end of the trailer to the left. This made it difficult to get rid of feelings I had for Torie because I spent every day with her. To this date our parents are together; We are step siblings; and Austen makes jokes about me dating my stepsister. 

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