High School Teenage Dreams | Teen Ink

High School Teenage Dreams

December 14, 2012
By Peeka117 BRONZE, Paradise, Pennsylvania
Peeka117 BRONZE, Paradise, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say I love you "

Richard, a senior in high school, is like any ordinary student . . .or so everyone thought, last October Ricky found in his love of music that he wanted to start creating music of his own and that’s when it all started, him pursuing his dream as a rapper. People’s judgments tend to scream over what his heart truly tells him, even giving up sounded good in the ears of the person being doubted on, but here today Ricky is still standing on his feet and is still fighting for what he believes in.

Ricky started rapping about a year ago and is still continuing to rap. He loved music to no end and found one day that he too wanted to create songs so that they’ll be known worldwide.

“I always found a common interest in music,” Ricky stated.

He knew what he had to do. With little to no supporters Ricky strived to pursue his dream even though there was a lot of people doubting him from the beginning. He didn’t let that bring him down though. With more then 40 raps created today and more to come Ricky is now fulfilling his dream more then ever being known world wide or not.

Everyone some point in their life faces some kind of judgment, whether its close friend too and enemy or an adult to a child. It brings people down either way and sometimes if they have a goal in mind it makes them give up completely on what they were striving to succeed. Ricky found a way past all the negative things.

“I just always kept my head up even when everyone gave me every reason to give up” he shared.

He’s a perfect example of no matter what life throws at you, you just keep pushing harder good things will eventually come.

"Things get worse, a lot worse, but I've always kept my head up and ignored the people who doubted me because I knew and still know today in my heart who I am and who I want to be" Ricky strongly voiced.

“Its not that I think I’m better then everyone else, its just that I’ve learnt to fight for what I want and not do what everyone else wants and if that means ignoring them because they put me down, well so be it” he added.

Ricky is a very out going, funny, caring person.

“I have a choice either to be happy or let people bring me down I start with a positive attitude and a smile the rest just sort of comes into place” He said.

With no support from his dad or other relatives and not having any friends there, Ricky was on his own. He kept his head up and kept going.
“I wished people would just grow up sometimes but I realized for that to happen I can’t play along with the little kid games” Ricky implied toward people doubting him. He made it clear that he wasn’t backing down no matter what anyone said.

People should use Ricky as an example of what more people should do. “Anyone who’s trying to pursue their dreams no matter how far fetched it is, be it your peers shouldn’t be the ones holding you back from someday achieving great things” Ricky advised.

He doesn’t want people to be put down just for wanting something in life. “Being doubted on made me a stronger person and rapper, if anyone needed to talk I’m here” He added.

With his own problems Ricky still is there for people in need. Knowing that having a dream and trying to fulfill it is hard.

Before a year ago you wouldn’t have thought Ricky was going to be a rapper nor did anyone think that. No one was really there for him which made pursuing his dream harder then expected. Now he’s in his own little spotlight and his has more supporters then started. He didn’t ask for much just one person to listen. Ricky is still striving and still going. One day even if it takes years he believes he will be a rapper.

Pursuing dreams is hard for anyone. You have to keep it in your mind that you want it bad enough. People’s doubts shouldn’t be the cause of you second-guessing something you want in life. Even if no one is there, someone was and is still in your shoes but still pushing harder to something better then peoples judgments.

“If I could do this on my own, so can you but remember to keep your head up and fulfill whatever dream you have for you, not anyone else. Be true to yourself others may hate it but will eventually come around and maybe one day be your biggest supporters.” Ricky ended.

The author's comments:
When I was assigned to write an interview I knew exactly what I was going to write about. My friend Ricky has been rapping for over a year and it hasn't been easy and I feel that everyone lately in the world is getting more nasty and vulgar with how they deal with things. He was a symbol that anyone can do whatever they put their mind to, they just have to keep pushing forward with a positive attitude and a smile on their face.

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