How to Thrift at the Bins | Teen Ink

How to Thrift at the Bins

February 13, 2024
By 5whelan SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5whelan SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the world of thrifting, exists a hidden gem known as "the bins." Emilia Putignano, 16, a seasoned thrifter with four years of experience under her belt, graciously shared her insights and strategies for mastering the art of thrift shopping at these misleading bins.

Putignano’s journey into the world of thrifting began browsing through racks at regular thrift stores in search of unique finds. However, it wasn't until she discovered the bins that her thrifting game reached new heights. "Regular thrift stores just didn't cut it anymore," she explained. "The bins offered a the promise of hidden treasures," said Putignano.

When asked about her initial experience into bin thrifting, Putignano recounted, "I started by observing others who frequented the bins. I noticed their techniques and slowly adapted them into my own strategy." Putignano said she's said she hunts for “vintage hoodies, name brand jeans, and graphic tees.” On every trip she is armed with gloves, hand sanitizer, a tote to carry the thrifted treasures since bags aren't provided, and a keen eye for quality, she ventured into the bins world and hasn't looked back since. 

Putignano’s tips for successful bin thrifting are as practical as they are essential. "Always bring a friend for moral support," she advised. "And if you're flying solo, don't forget your AirPods to keep you company." With a strict one-person-per-bin rule in place and a preference for name-brand items like Levi's jeans, Putignano navigates the bins with precision and efficiency.

But the journey isn't without its challenges. Putignano cautioned against engaging with other shoppers and emphasized the importance of patience. "Waiting for new bins is crucial, but don't linger too long, as it can make those agitated," she warned, and make sure you're a sufficient diy-er since quite a few of the “good” items come with holes. "And above all, don't give up. The bins can be unpredictable, but perseverance pays off,” she said.

Reflecting on recent experiences at the bins, Putignano shared tales of goods and bads. "I snagged some amazing hoodies but struck out with too-small jeans," she recalled. Despite occasional disappointments, Putignano remains determined, armed with her trusty strategies and a resilient spirit.

In the world of thrifting, Putignano stands as a beacon of expertise, navigating the bins with determination. Her tips and insights offer a roadmap for new thrifters adventuring on their own treasure hunt, ensuring a rewarding thrifting experience for all.

The author's comments:

My name is Addy Whelan and I'm a Junior at Arrowhead High School.

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