Why I’m Thankful for America’s Veterans | Teen Ink

Why I’m Thankful for America’s Veterans

May 2, 2019
By 9lee BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
9lee BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is an honor to write to a person who sacrificed their time, family, and most importantly your life to represent our country and preserve our freedoms. You are a hero regardless of what anyone else may have said. I’m grateful to be given an opportunity to acknowledge you for your bravery and fighting for our country, and thank you for your selfless service.

My name is Ryan, and I am a high school senior. In the midst of preparation of college, it is a big change for me, and I can’t imagine the changes you went through fighting for the war. To give up your life, family, friends, and school to go fight for our country must have been a difficult transition. I also realize that there was likely a struggle with dealing with the unknown of the future, not knowing what to expect from the war. Words cannot express my gratitude.

I would like to share with you that I had the privilege to visit D.C. not once, but twice to visit and honor all those who served our country at Lincoln Memorial and Vietnam Veterans Memorial. I was young at the time so I couldn’t quite grasp the concept of what the memorial truly represented. Looking back, I am glad that I had a chance to visit the memorial that tributes you and your fellow veterans service. With a cousin currently stationed, I too considered ROTC and help protecting our country. Getting an education and help protecting our country is the best of both worlds.

You are a role model for fellow generations and inspire us to be giving and gracious like you. I hope that you had a great day at your Honor Flight Trip and that it was an unforgettable experience. I wish I could be there in person to greet and thank you. Welcome home and I am thankful for the sacrifices you have made for those of us who are fortunate to call America their home. Once again, welcome home and feel free to write back if you wish.

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