Honor Flight | Teen Ink

Honor Flight

January 4, 2019
By ahsballer25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahsballer25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

Thinking about what I have in my life and what I am fortunate enough to do on a daily basis causes me to think on what I am grateful for and how I got these opportunities. If we did not have brave a hard-fighting soldiers, we would not be the country that we are today.

My name is Stewart D. and I am a high school senior and I attend in Hartland, Wisconsin. In my creative writing class we just watched a short film on the Honor flight that you all got the chance to attend. Welcome home, I am extremely thankful for you, thanks so much for your service.

I want to thank you for sacrificing your life and time in the military. I thought the trip you got to go on to see all of the war memorials spread out all across Washington D.C was very interesting. I have also been to Washington D.C to see some of the memorials that you got to see too. I visited Arlington Cemetery, Tomb of Unknown Soldier, and also the Lincoln Memorial. With my grandfather serving our country in the Korean war as a medic, I could not help to think about him and how much he would have enjoyed this experience. I think that It is a very cool that you got to travel all around one of the most patriotic places in the U.S, D.C and see all of the memorials that you fought for. As you can see, we are extremely grateful for you guys and what you have accomplished for us.

I really wish my grandpa would have gotten the opportunity to go on an Honor Flight like this. I think this is amazing that you got another salute of recognition for what you accomplished for us while fighting in the war. People do not thank nor give our veterans enough credit for the work and sacrifices they have made for our country and all of us living in it. You all were not given the salute you deserved when you came back from war. I hope that this letter expresses how we all feel about you guys and how important the veterans are to us and where would we be today if you guys did not accomplish what you did in the military. Thank you so much for fighting for this country. I do not think any other group of people could have completed what you veterans did.


Sincerely, Stewart

12th Grade

The author's comments:

I wrote a letter to a veteran who served in the war who is going on an upcoming honor flight

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