Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By skittleboy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
skittleboy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Vietnam Veteran  

Hearing the National Anthem before a football game on Friday night, is one of my favorite things. In that three to four minute time period, I stand in my shoulder pads, one hand on my heart one holding my helmet. Standing there ready to play it hits me, that you were able to give of your time and your talents, and and years of your life to make this moment possible. I am hoping that today you feel the love and support of the country that you rightly deserve. I hope that you know how much your sacrifice and service means to all of us. WELCOME HOME!

My name is Jacob I am a senior in high school and I personally have one connection to the military I have an uncle who is overseas now. But today is not about me. This is your day, you have earned this, and you deserve this. After your service you weren’t given the proper welcome home that you deserve, I hope that the one you get today can help show our gratitude that we truly have for you and what you did for us.

Many years ago when you came home for the first time you were not treated well and under appreciated. So allow me to say welcome home. You gave up your livelihood and several years of your life to go fight in a war that was far from home and fought in terrible conditions. I can’t start to understand what day to day life was like for you over in that far off land. I could not imagine that in a few short months I would be able to say “I’m going off to fight in a war.” but you were able to answer that call, for that I will be forever thankful.



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