Great America | Teen Ink

Great America

November 13, 2018
By Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are three meanings Americans live by: pride, freedom and hope. Men and women fight for the rights we have and what we can do.

The soldiers fight for being able to go home. See their family that they started before they were sent off to fight for freedom. But this gives them the feeling of success. The soldiers live off of pride to have a fantastic feeling after they have defeated the most brutal or ungraceful. When they get home, the American flag dancing like lighting on the post. Everyone jumping with easy thanking them for there service knowing truly we would be nothing without them.

Hope is what makes this country able to say and do almost whatever they want. Soldiers in World War II  thinking mostly about hope and never giving up and never just letting themselves be defeated. When they might be down with there hands tied behind their backs there is always hope. Soldier laying on the cold ground shot and his gun to far away to grab. He hears a enemy coming hoping someone will save him. They never give up because they hope it will get better if their in a bad spot.

Freedom gives us the right to do just about everything. We are free, we can have our own land, our own government, and make our own decisions. While in some places you can't have any of that . We would not have the freedom we have today, without the veterans who have helped us fight in really hard times.

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