mr. stone | Teen Ink

mr. stone

April 6, 2014
By sk0507 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
sk0507 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Have you ever had a teacher that you will always remember? Well mine is Mr. Stone. I am nominating Mr. Stone for the educator of the year award. He was a good teacher, a great coach and was very compassionate.

The first reason why I am nominating Mr. Stone is that he was a good teacher. One example is that he was always aware of what’s going on in, and outside his class room. For example, I remember when he overheard a student talking about the playoffs and he made a whole class discussion about it. Another example of him being a good teacher was that he was always straight forward with his students before class started he would tell us from what page to page we are reading and if we got done in time we could play this game called trash ball. Finally, Mr. Stone was always organized. He made us keep a folder with all our work in it and all the homework we missed would be in a folder so this helped to keep me organized too.

The second reason why I picked Mr. Stone is because he was a great coach. An example of him being a good coach is that he would always push us to our greatest. He made us run every day and then when we were all tired we went on a 5 minute jog. Another example of him being a good coach is that he always knew that we could win every race if we tried. Finally Mr. Stone was knowledgeable about running he taught me many things like to pick up your knees when you run and always smile because running is all mental.
My third reason why I chose Mr. Stone is because he was compassionate. One example of him being compassionate is that he would always let me turn in work late if I didn’t understand it or if I was sick. When I was sick he would get me caught up right away. Whenever I forgot my gym clothes for track he would give me some so I didn’t have to run in my uniform. My third example of Mr. Stone being compassionate was during the moving up ceremony he had a speech just for the kids that ran track and how proud he was about all the school records that we set.
I think Mr. Stone should be teacher of the year. He was a good teacher, a great coach and he was compassionate. I was lucky to have Mr. Stone as my coach and teacher and any one else will be lucky to have him to.

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