Teen Ink Educator of the Year Coach Peters | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year Coach Peters

October 25, 2013
By Timmie00 BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
Timmie00 BRONZE, Luverne, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Coach Peters is a great teacher. On Mondays,Tuesdays,Wednesdays, and Fridays I have coach Peters for History. I also have Coach Peters for a debate class everyday except Thursdays. Coach Peters is a real cool teacher to have first period, because it is early in the morning when I have him and you don't have to worry about him hollering and carrying on. We also do not have homework for coach Peters.

Coach peters teaching style is pretty cool to. You only have to write notes a couple days a week, all the other times you just listen and comprehend. We have a test mostly once a week, and he always goes over the test the day before. He really does not like to give the students a failing grade. You can tell that because of all the stuff he goes through to pass us.

Coach peters involves himself in the classroom, but after school he coaches our flyboy football players to get a victory on Friday night. He must be a good coach because our football team is pretty good this year. All of the football players like him. Overall coach Peters is a good teacher/coach.
Coach Peters does a lot for the school. Like I have already told you he uses his free time after school to coach our fly boys, and that he is a great teacher. After football practice you can still see him here cleaning up our school campus. Sometimes you can see him helping kids after school to get a passing grade.
Coach peters is my favorite teacher because he will do anything to see someone get a good grade. Another reason is because he is layed back, and don't let little stuff get under his skin. He is always joking around about something, and always simplifies things down so we can understand it. He respects us and we respect him.

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