Coach Brent | Teen Ink

Coach Brent

February 15, 2023
By Anonymous

This past spring I made one of the most challenging yet rewarding decisions in my adolescent life. The decision was whether or not I needed to switch club teams for the benefit of my future career, and the decision was to switch to a club called Elm brook Swim Club in Brookfield Wisconsin. However this was the first time I truly took initiative for my inner self which through the long run can build upon and create a deeper independent version of yourself.  In these last few years of my High school career, preparation and keying in is the most important thing to do for those with aspirations to play beyond the 12th grade and into college. 

One of the hardest lessons I have come to acquire is the amount of will this dedication can strip from your own mind. It's not a question that major league athletes have suffered from this kind of mental instability. Trying to be perfect at all times is an idea we all want ourselves to be. However the elongation of practicing this can lead to a down spiral, maybe not in a physical stance but a downfall of your own mind. My decision to switch teams wasn't easy and it was very difficult to adapt to the type of training and coaching I was not used to. Coach Brent is a highly known coach, and has  trained athletes all the way to the NCAA level. I have had many coaches throughout my life, however Coach Brent did something on my first week no one has ever done before. Mid set he pulls me out and talks to me about how I'm feeling on the team, any nervousness’, worries that i might have. He quickly reassured me and said that The other coaches, as well as him and the kids on the team would only support me in my transition. 

On the brighter side of things I have achieved numerous things over the past year that can be traced back to Coach Brent's philosophy within his coaching techniques. With just my first year training Under Brent and Elm brook, I have reached the milestone of two Olympic Trial cuts, Best times in every event and an overall mental confidence booster that I can now visualize and carry into my next 4 years of competition.

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