Mr. Leoni | Teen Ink

Mr. Leoni

February 14, 2023
By 3scaffidi SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
3scaffidi SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was sophomore year of high school and I was at an all new low. I have never been so stressed and anxious due to just one teacher. Math was my second period, the worst hour of the day, and I had just gotten back a quiz from math. Another D. Not surprising as this year math seemed to drag me down. 

I was previously an almost straight A student, my freshman year went well for me, but this mentality I learned from my current math teacher seemed to seep into all my other classes, not only that but also my personality.

I went in multiple times for help but my teacher only ever made me feel worse. Like I should be smarter, like there was no point trying as I was already too far behind. The only thing I ever talked about was how much I hated school

My friends started to get worried about me to the point where they reported me to the school counselor. I was called in to talk about my mental health and my day ended in tears. 

I finished my year with a C-, high enough to move on to the next level of math.

I was so happy to finally escape my teacher, but was placed into a math class where I now felt behind. The teacher wasn’t bad, but wasn’t necessarily good. At that point I felt like there was no point trying to catch up. I ended that semester with a C.

I moved my second semester to a new teacher, Mr. Leoni.  I was scared to have another experience like my sophomore year as I had never met this teacher before. 

A weight was lifted off my shoulders when he first started teaching. I felt like I finally understood. Maybe this unit is just easier than the rest I thought to myself.

My first quiz came back. An A- with a hand drawn smile, the first A I had earned on a math quiz since freshman year. I was so proud of myself, I took a picture and sent it to my mom. She was just as shocked.

Almost every quiz after was an A. I finally grasped the idea and was having fun in class. I looked forward to seeing Mr. Leoni every day as he taught in a way I understood. 

Instead of just giving us a math textbook with no explanation, he genuinely cared about how thoroughly a topic was covered. He showed examples of the work and made sure to review common mistakes.

The first time I wasn't understanding a topic I felt comfortable to ask him for clarification. He never blamed me for not understanding something and took time out of his breaks to review what I was having trouble with.

I turned in a homework assignment online one time–I didn't realize my formatting was wrong–but it was. The next day he told me that he didn't receive my homework– I was one to do my homework and he paid attention to those who cared about assignments. I remember asking “do you want me to resubmit the assignment?” 

His reply was something I would have never gotten from any other teacher

“I trust you.”

Those words showed what a kind man he truly is. It showed how closely he paid attention to students. I don't think he understands how much he has helped me get out of a bad place in my learning. Thank you Mr. Leoni.

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