Sara Tuescher | Teen Ink

Sara Tuescher

February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

I have known Sara Tuescher longer than I have known most of my closest friends. I started playing around with lacrosse at home with my brother before I was even allowed to sign up for a team. I didn’t meet Sara until around the start of middle school, a couple years after I started playing MKE Elite lacrosse. I never really took practices seriously until she started coaching me. Most of my previous coaches just had us go over basics every practice and didn’t coach us to actually improve our senses and technique. 

At this time Sara was just my club coach, I only saw her during the summer and the season wasn’t very long. Every year she would try and convince me to be coached by her at Arrowhead high school, every year I would say no.

 Eventually, It was time for me to choose a high school and I chose to stay with Kettle Moraine. I spent my freshman year there and then I put my name in to be an out of district student at Arrowhead high school. 

Sara knew how I played and the things I was strong in and what needed work. We were both excited when I came to the first open gym and she explained how everything worked. It felt right to be back with her again. 

Not only did she care about making me better but she cared about me and my personal success. I am so lucky to have been coached by her for half my life and I am so lucky to be at Arrowhead playing for her again. I don’t think I would love this sport like I do if she wasn’t my coach. No matter what I am always excited to show up to practice, even if we end up conditioning. I admire her passion for the sport and how she channels that into coaching us. She has an extremely busy schedule but still manages to be the best coach I have ever had. She has even inspired me to want to coach lacrosse when I’m older.

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