Mr. Nick Brengosz | Teen Ink

Mr. Nick Brengosz

April 11, 2022
By 2mullett BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2mullett BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your biggest accomplishment is the one you risked most for.

Senior year math at Arrowhead high school I thought I would not want to do it because it’s not mandatory anymore and I already have a set plan for college hockey. My parents talked me into just trying functions so I signed up. Mr. Brengosz, one of the Functions math teachers at Arrowhead Union High School, has now gotten me to want to do math and I look forward to his class every day.

A little over a month ago, I walked into class and he had the fact of the day written up on the board; and that’s a random fact that we go through that gets the whole class engaged. After he explains that it was a work day. He allows us to sit wherever and get our work done. As I get settled, he puts on the Wisconsin high school hockey state championship. This makes me feel that I’m in a stable and fun environment allowing me to be happy and get my work done a lot quicker than usual. I took away from this that I must have my mind right before I can do anything to the best of my ability. Whether it may be in hockey, school, or my job someday your mind must be in the right place.

There’s nothing in particular Mr. Brengosz has said to me that has really changed me or helped me. It’s just his attitude he brings everyday to class. Every day it’s the same guy teaching that class and it’s always a good attitude. I know that everyday he is not super happy just because that’s life but he would never let any of his students see that.

Although I’m not a mathematician and have never enjoyed a math class in my life, Mr. Brengosz has accomplished in making me enjoy math. Mr. Brengosz and I also share something in common which makes this class a whole better. Him and I love our sports and were able to have conversations either about hockey, baseball, or football. We can talk about it all. This may not seem important but it is. No student wants to come in everyday hearing the same thing and in the same way everyday it gets very boring and repetitive. I understand I need to learn but having the little off topic conversation or quick fact of the day helps. Mr. Brengosz is like my hockey. Every time I step on the ice I’m happy, every time I see him I can put a smile on my face.

A little over a month ago I asked Mr. B to do my letter recommendation and he was the only teacher I asked for those reasons. I feel he knows me best, the hard working and determined kid I am. Just because of his constant upbeat attitude he has the ability to put a smile on every students face. no matter the day or the time of day it is, he inspires me.

To sum this all up I just want to say thank you Mr. Brengosz for what you have all done for me. It means a lot. Getting my mood right everyday helps a lot. Thank you.

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