Ms. Tami Ennis | Teen Ink

Ms. Tami Ennis

April 11, 2022
By kenmann BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
kenmann BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We've been hopeless for the past couple of months. Our coach quit on us before a big event and we had no one to support us. Our team was basically student-run. With only communication between students/parents and the athletic director to know which sporting events we can perform at, and what practices we can have at Arrowhead Highschool.

There were rumors that the original coach was coming in and taking her spot back. We were scared of the unknown. There were things from alumni that were told about Tami. In reality they weren’t bad at all, but with how poor our worth ethic was, it seemed like the worst thing in the world.

It was official. She was coming to our next practice to introduce herself and get to know us.
The captains made us come early and start practice so we looked more professional and had a good impression for Tami.

She came in and sat down to talk with us. She introduced herself, stated what she is here for, and what she wanted from us as dancers. Tami was a walking legend to the hawkettes. She started Coaching the Hawkette Dance Team around 2014/2015 and unfortunately had to resign in 2019.

“I want to win state,” she said with complete confidence.

I couldn't believe she had that much confidence to say that to our team. I don't think our team with the old coach made it past sixth place. I don’t know what she sees in us but I like it.

Months go on and it gets harder and harder. She had us conditioning for 30 minutes every practice before we started dancing. She had us repeat the dance until there were no mistakes. It was something none of us were prepared for. She was the one person who showed us that we have what it takes to be amazing dancers. We have the skill but we just needed an amazing coach to push us hard enough to see the results.

I've never even had state as a possibility for my team and my time on the Hawkettes. But with Tami, that idea was something I could almost touch.

Since we worked so hard this 21-22 season on building back our Hawkette spirit I think it's possible to make it to state next year.

I am so grateful she came back to Hawkettes to bring back our reputation. If it wasn't for her I don't think Hawkettes would even exist right now. She is kind and understanding. Will always listen if you need anything. I feel like she always has my back. She is family. Thank you, Tami, for everything you have done for me and my team. We couldn't have been where we are today without you!

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