Mrs. Loke | Teen Ink

Mrs. Loke

March 10, 2020
By 0symdon BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0symdon BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Arrowhead High School career has been memorable. I’ve had no issues and never been in trouble. Freshman and sophomore year went by like Brian Shaw benching 135 lbs. I did not think my high school experience could get any better. This was true until I met Mrs. Loke.

Junior year is a year to remember because it's the year I first got to meet and know the one and only, Mrs. Loke. Right away I felt her energy and generosity when she had music blaring whether it be oldies but goldies, or Christmas music that she played every day starting from Thanksgiving till we left for break. I remember thinking Man, she really likes her Mariah Carrey.

Now, I can’t talk about Mrs. Loke without talking about her baked goods; whether it be for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any holiday, baking gives her an excuse to put smiles on kids’ faces. Another thing I learned about Mrs. Loke is she always has a costume for the holidays. I walked into study-hall on Halloween and she had on a full witch costume; at Christmas, she brought out her elf costume. This was just one of her ways of bringing some humor and energy to school. At first, I thought Mrs. Loke was crazy but as I got to know her I realized oh that's just Mrs. Loke being lovable.

Going into senior year I couldn’t wait for my study halls in the morning with Mrs. Loke. Her electric attitude and caring demeanor puts a smile on my face. As my first semester of senior year got rolling, I finally got to know Mrs. Loke more than just getting signed in by her. A majority of us will go to check in to study hall and end up sitting down with her and having a 20 minute conversation. One of her favorite convo topics right now is The Bachelor which I have no clue about. But I’ll ask questions and we let her rant about who she likes and dislikes on the show and all the show gossip. Granted some might say this doesn’t help with school work but I believe kids need to have more fun at school, and Mrs. Loke makes school more enjoyable.

Finishing my senior year, Mrs. Loke will be the hardest teacher to say goodbye to because of how caring, charismatic, and cool she is. I know she had my back and for that reason, Mrs. Loke will go down as my favorite teacher; my high school career wouldn’t have been the same without her. Thank you, Mrs. Loke, for everything you do and everything you are.

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