Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 19, 2019
By belle2020 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
belle2020 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was overwhelmed and wanted to cry. It was junior year at Arrowhead and I had a new guidance counselor. My older sister, who had the same counselor, pushed me to go talk to him. She knew he would help.

I walked into the guidance office and the lady at the desk told me I could walk in. That’s when I first saw Mr. Reineking. At first I thought he looked like a gym teacher rather than a counselor, but then he smiled and introduced himself.

I walked in thinking I was getting to know Mr. Reineking (and learning how to pronounce his name), but that’s not what happened. He made me feel comfortable. I was there for two classes, but he didn’t care. When I left, he told me I could come back any time.

I started to get to know him and he asked about my family. His questions sounded meaningful and it felt natural talking to him. He reminded me, I could come to his room and cry, or talk, or even just sit there. It was the first time I felt like I had someone at school I could trust. 

Mr. Reineking is the only person who knew the situation I was in. It was reassuring to have someone to talk to and not have to worry about my personal life spreading. This felt special because when there is something going on and someone is struggling, it can be hard to get through the school day.

He is the only adult at school I could cry in front of. He taught me it was okay to let my emotions out and gave me a safe space to do it in. Not only did he help me calm down when I was having a bad day, but he also helped me with my school work. He knew what I needed and supported me. 

Eventually senior year came. I don’t talk to him as often, but everytime I see him, he smiles at me. He made me feel important to him when I needed it.

This year, I went into his office to ask him a question. After answering my question, he asked, “How is work? Do you still work two jobs or do you only work at Jilly’s?” I was surprised he remembered. It wasn’t something we talked about a lot—Mr. Reineking works with 300 other students and coaches the Alpine Ski Team here at Arrowhead, so it was nice to know he remembered.

Mr. Reineking is the most genuine, welcoming, and caring person I have ever known. He made my life at school better when I felt like my world was falling apart, and I will always be grateful for that. 

Thank you, Mr. Reineking for talking to me, listening to me, helping me, and caring about me. I know if I am ever overwhelmed and feel like crying, I have the perfect place to go.

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