colour colour which colour do i want? | Teen Ink

colour colour which colour do i want?

March 25, 2015
By veeda BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
veeda BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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being able to answer with sarcasm within seconds of a stupid question asked is a sign of a healthy brain

a boy was discriminated in the school because he was black. what is the poor childs mistake if he has a dark complexion? so what if he is dark? will that skin colour be transferred to you if you touch or play with him? it is said that a school is a temple of learning but such incidents take place in the school itself. why and how does this happen? parents play a vital role in childs life . it is due to the thinking of the parents that comes in the childs head. the children keep teasing the particular child. does anyone think what the child might feel? he goes into depression ,starts hating school and stops socialising with people. just a few bullies in school disturbs a childs life. that child needs a visit to the counseller. discrimination on the grounds of religion takes place in school too. i doubt whether the school is indeed a temple of learning.

the parents should first change their ways of thinking. they should teach the child the right values so that in future the other childs life is not in danger. if parents dont get discrimination in their head then automatically the children wont bully others and will be playful and friendly with all. the colour of the person does not matter . what matters is his/her  values in life. children are the reflection of their parents . so if kids discriminate, it shows the values taught by the parents to the children. so let ur child not be discriminated and do not let your child discriminate others.    

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