The Scariest Day of My Life | Teen Ink

The Scariest Day of My Life

December 7, 2008
By Anonymous

I do not know much about scary things because I try to avoid them, but there is this one time I thought I would never be able to go home anywhere. I thought I was going to die. It was traumatizing and it made me a stronger person today. I feel that after that incident I am more aware of what is going on around the world today.
It all started in the summer of 2006, the first week of July. My summer couldn’t have been any better I was in Lebanon visiting my family. I woke up to the news saying that the airport in Beirut was getting bombed. I felt like I was trapped and I was so worried I wanted to cry. My family was sitting in my grandma’s living room saying that it is not going to become anything serious and it should not last more than three days. I calmed down a little and decided that everything was going to be all right.
But it wasn’t it only got worse. The bombing in Beirut turned into a war. I would sit in my bed thinking that I wasn’t going to be able to live to see tomorrow, I was unable to fall asleep. All night all I heard was bombs being thrown down around me. I thought that one was going to fall at my grandma’s house. Once a bomb would fall the entire house would shake and I felt like crying. I just wanted to go home. I was sick and tired of this I was always on my last nerve. Every time we heard a plan flying over us we would all just pray to God. We lost all hope. We wanted to drive to Syria and fly from there to here but there was a problem. We left our passports in our apartment in Beirut. This was just getting worse by the minute.
Everyday my family from America would try to contact us and when we would answer we would have to o hang up right away because we needed to try to get out of here and they were trying to help us, but there was so much they could do. We decided to go to Beirut and try to get the passports because we needed them more than anything. We packed our bags and said bye to my dads family in tears they were telling us to be careful and they were crying so much. We were also crying. We had a very long drive because we were at the tip of Lebanon driving to the top of Lebanon (Beirut). Normally it is a four-hour drive, but because all the roads were getting bombed it was like a six-hour drive. With my own two eyes I saw other buses transporting people get bombed and dust was flying everywhere. I was going to pass out because of how nervous I was. Even my parents weren’t able to keep their cool. Once we got to a safe neighborhood they weren’t bombing we ran inside a house and we so thankful that we made it here safe. But it wasn’t over yet. My dad and my uncle took the risk of driving into Beirut to go to the apartment and get our passports. All the roads were broken and bombed so it took them a long time. We were sitting at home trying to call them but they wouldn’t answer because there was no reception. They came back around midnight safe thank gosh. We stayed in this house for about three days and then went to a hotel. We stayed at the hotel for about another four days. After that the bombing was calmed down so we went to our apartment. I was surprised it was still standing up.

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