I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

March 17, 2014
By Rebecca Isaacs BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Rebecca Isaacs BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the time of year when you smell sugar cookies toasting in the oven for the big jolly man, the competition of decorations and the multi-colored twinkling lights strung across the houses hoping he will come down your chimney first, and the suspense of waking up on Christmas morning and running to see if he has brought you that one and only thing you’ve been waiting for all year.

I believe in the magic of Christmas. Everyone knows the feeling I’m talking about, that feeling of complete happiness knowing the holiday season is on its way. Not only children, but adults feel this way because of the atmosphere and the thoughts of Christmas that possess them. Normally, my brother never gets me anything for Christmas, but one year he went all out. I still remember to this day the exact feeling I felt when I unwrapped the silver box with green ribbon and I found it to be a brand new laptop, the exact laptop I’m typing on now to be exact. To this day I still can’t believe that he bought me such an expensive gift. As soon as I began to realize what I had just received, I began to cry. It was such an overpowering sense of love and a family as a whole.
I also remember the times when I was still in elementary school and my school put on a Santa Workshop where kids could go and buy presents for their family. It doesn’t matter what the person receives, but the act someone performs. Christmas is not about the act of receiving presents, but the act of giving and not just to a person, but to a community. The act of everyone being happy and kind is why I believe in Christmas time.

I believe in giving. I believe in the being of Saint Nick. I believe in a fat jolly old man squeezing down a chimney and giving every child a present for being good. I believe in Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixon and Commet and Cupid and Doner and Blizen, and of course without a doubt, I believe in Rudolph. I believe in sleighs. I believe in reindeer games. I believe in believing. I believe in being good. I believe in receiving coal if you have done something naughty. I believe in the naughty and nice list. I believe in leaving out cookies and milk. I believe in forcing myself to sleep to make Christmas morning come faster. I believe in opening a present a day before Christmas just to keep the tradition. I believe in giving and not receiving. I believe in snow. I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in elves and workshops.

The thought of Santa Claus is what keeps this belief going. Without the belief, none of these things would be continued because without the one man keeping this all going, the tradition would be lost.
That is why I believe in Christmas time.

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