Mankind and Technology | Teen Ink

Mankind and Technology

October 26, 2015
By Anonymous

When one head is added to one body, the addition does not seem add to up, at least not at  first. But after decades after the intensive surgery, one will find the new addition irreplaceable. By this time, the human body will have learned to work more efficiently and effectively; after all, two heads are better than one. Just like the two heads analogy, mankind and technology have benefited each other mutually. So naturally, mankind depends on technology, like a crutch. But at some point the crutch needs to be disabled.

Before the world of technology was introduced, kids socialized. They read books. They went outside. Decades later, most of those activities have been converted into some app for people to become addicted to. The conversations have quickly diminished to texting. The musty familiar smell of a good book has vanished into swiping on a smooth surface. People are still going outside, but it mostly consists of getting in and out of motorized vehicles.
Similarly, as close as the human race and technology are stitched together, there are always gaps between the seams. However the rare glance upward and the occasional fifth word is not enough to engage in a true conversation. Instead of participating in activities, one’s eyes flitter back to the safe enclosure of the glowing screen. And when forced to take a minuscule break, thoughts transform back to the land of social media.

Furthermore, people feel the need to share snippets of their life online. In moderation, the idea is a complete success; it shows another completely different perspective in everyday life. However, there are always those select individuals that cross the Rubicon. With them sharing every meal in the past month, the whole ordeal becomes exhausting to keep up with. Being the social creatures that some people are, they just need to know what is going on, and so they watch.

Technology has the ability to be one of the most detrimental yet beneficial advances in modern day culture. With the aid of such a tool, people must strike a perfect balance of work and play. Technology was originally created with the intent of making life easier, but when people become interdependent on such a beneficial tool, it can quickly turn detrimental. Currently humanity is struggling to find the perfect medium, as some have become addicted due to personal choices.

These bad habits are easy to start, but nearly impossible to pull out of. Like quicksand, once a victim takes the first step, they just keep sinking. Getting hooked onto an electronic is a fate many people encounter. With the metal box in one’s hand, they realize that their life is at the touch of a fingertip. Suddenly, it seems hard to let go of this new discovery. Days pass, and the box is clasped firmly in one’s hand. Weeks pass, and one’s eyes burn as they strain to read the miniscule black font. Years later, they vow to never return to their previous lifeless state.

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