Actions Speak Louder Than Words | Teen Ink

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

October 6, 2015
By Neida BRONZE, Elgin, Texas
Neida BRONZE, Elgin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever heard the quote "actions speak louder than words" or "see do not believe"? Have you ever had a relationship where their words are so breathtaking and it makes you smile and get butterflies in your stomach and blush and so on, but once you get together and go out somewhere, spend time with each other, he demonstrates something else. When people are not mature, they believe when someone tells them "I love you" but as you grow up you notice that they don't need to tell you those words, they just need to demonstrate it. I believe that actions demonstrate what a person thinks, therefor actions are worth more than words because you can think all you want but if you don't act you won't succeed. I also believe that actions are more important than thoughts because when you act, rather the outcomes are good or bad you always end up learning something new, so you learn along the way while experimenting new things.

We all know someone that in New Years they say "new year new me", right? But we all know that they don't mean it. Everyone can easily propose something, like for  example proposing to get straight A's all year, but what really matters is when they come out as someone successful. They succeed by achieving their goals, not by saying it.

My next reason is because when you try something new you learn something. As they say in a relationship "you're either a lesson or a blessing". Those people would never know which one they are if they would never try out the relationship.

That is why I think actions are more important than words because they succeed with the actions,and they learn from them.

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