Life... | Teen Ink


April 1, 2014
By ApplePieAlex BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
ApplePieAlex BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is the point of life, if we have nothing to strive towards? When everything is perfect about us, why would we want to live another day?

But, of course, perfection is nearly impossible in our world. And even then, knowing it is impossible, why do we still want to achieve perfection. What will it bring us? Happiness? Peace? Love?

We may never know, because we will never be perfect. We all have faults. We’ve all done stupid things. We have all made mistakes.

In life, the only way to make a better future, is to remember the past. To remember the mistakes we made, and learn from them. Learn not to repeat them. Learn not to forget the consequences.

And most of our human race has decided to forget the mistakes, leave them behind, as if it is nothing more than single red leaf in autumn. There are tons of red leaves in autumn, and it is hard to forget our mistakes, as it hard to not notice the leaves when we are surrounded by them.

Every human is like a snowflake, none the same, each different in their own way. Whether they are similar, or completely opposites. We all have our own pattern. Our own way of life.

Then why do we compare ourselves to others? Are we not satisfied with ourselves? And if not, then why? Why do we get jealous? We are our own individual, and we are appreciative of that. But why is it that we feel the need to be perfect?

You can fake perfection, and you can fake imperfection. What if we didn’t fake at all? We would be ourselves, and that’s all that would matter. But, comparison between two people does two things; one, brings out all our great assets; and two, brings our faults to the surface.

No one wants to be compared to someone who is better than them. Being compared to someone who you feel isn’t as good as you, makes you feel as though you are better than you really are. But, by comparing yourself to someone, you don’t realize that you are truly downgrading yourself.

Then again, some people are completely satisfied with what they have done with their life. They feel accomplished. And there are those of us who are power hungry. They are greedy, always wanting more. They will never be happy with what they have.

I believe that our race can change. If we wanted to, we could become something more than average. Our children could be born in an era of happiness, and not have to worry about what other’s will think of them.

If we try. Sadly, humans are becoming more and more resistant to change. We are getting comfortable with our new technology. We are relying on technology more than we rely on anything else. More than we rely on family. We are distancing ourselves from loved ones, cutting the ties between our family. I believe we need to change. In order to become a true, happy society, we have to change.

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