Human Nature | Teen Ink

Human Nature

December 18, 2013
By LegoBella BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LegoBella BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Ignorance is bliss

When we were little and when we disobey our parents, we had to face the consequences. Consequences happens when we do something bad and leads to a bad aftermath. Also, being a human is all about sacrifice. Sacrifice is giving up something to help another in need. Also, some points of human nature might not be all about consequence and sacrifice. Points that may lead to us finding bliss in our own lives.

My reasons of human nature is mainly what I see from my point of view. It also involves of consequences and sacrifice. For example, last period in Spanish class, I stood up for myself against a bully. I sacrificed some of my breath confronting her. It was rough but I managed to accept victory. Also, two saturdays ago my brother was playing football with his friends. One of his friends bumped into him, accidentally snagging his pinky in his shirt. My brother, in turn, had his pinky finger dislocated in two areas. That’s the consequence of rough-housing with others while playing a dangerous sport.

Also, there is also the consequences of Macbeth. Due to the witches prophecy, he became thane of Cawdor after he became thane of Glamis, not knowing about the impending danger of being overthrown by Malcolm, King Duncan’s son. Then, Macbeth goes on a killing spree; first, he kills King Duncan, then the servants, then the murderers, and lastly Banquo, not knowing that Banquo’s son, Fleance, who his murderers for hire attempted to kill, escaped. After the death of many people, including the killing of Macduff’s family, Lady Macbeth kills herself of insanity. Then, after the death of Lady Macbeth, Macduff and Macbeth engage in battle. Macduff is victorious when he slices off Macbeth’s head and Malcolm is crowned the new king. Macbeth would’ve never been king if only he knew the consequences of killing all of his subjects, including his best friend, Banquo.

In conclusion, it all comes down to consequence and sacrifice. But, human nature is much more than just consequence and sacrifice. Some say human nature is all a big fake and it causes disarray and chaos, but most say human nature is full of truths and passion. Passion is what “drives” us to becoming human, but it might cause some unspeakable results. Truths has some type of “power” that might entice people to not commit the “passion of murder” yet to understand what humans are like. It might not be such a bad thing to know what human nature is but it’s good to know what humans are about.

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