The Sounds of The Empty Halls | Teen Ink

The Sounds of The Empty Halls

May 2, 2024
By Anonymous

Supplies shuffle around

Students prepare for the next bell 

We line up near the door 

A loud bang takes place of the bell 

Confused and startled

We all look at each other

Like deer in the middle of the road

Another bang echos 

This time, we hide

We run and hide under desks and chairs 

As if we were prey

A prey trying to avoid being eaten

Sitting quietly but our shakes are loud

Not as loud as the boomings of bullets blasting 

Not as loud as the students screams and shreiks

Not as loud as the killers footsteps

Louder, and louder, and louder

We're now texting Mom and dad "Love you"

Hoping it won't be our last 

The pace of the predator picks up

Thumps growing louder

But it stops where a figure replaces

What is louder than any gun or footstep

Then the world falls quiet and blank.

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