What Voting Means To Me | Teen Ink

What Voting Means To Me

October 28, 2019
By Trent-Skaggs SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Trent-Skaggs SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This upcoming year I am turning 18 years old. This is very important to me because my voice can now be heard on a local or national stage instead of just in school or clubs. My political opinions can be shared with the community in hopes that it will change things for the better. Politics to me may be different than someone else because it’s not something that I pay very close attention to. On the news I may hear something presented by both parties and form my pinions off of that but other than that not much research is done.

Classifying as a conservative due to the values and ideas that I support. The values that I represent with many of the different problems going on in the states are a main issue for me. Problems like Immigration, Abortions, Climate Change, ans Poverty are some of the problems that my conservative background looks at and really dives deep into the stories being told.

Politics may be confusing, and hard to tell which party is altering the information to make sure that they look good. Making sure you have all of the factual information is important before you base your beliefs behind it, because looking at both sides of the story will help bring understanding on the topic. Politics are an argumentative subject meaning that it is an off limits topic to discuss in many places. This is due to the strong stances people take about certain policies that they support or fight. 

For my first voting experience I will be able to vote in the 2020 Presidential Election which decides who will be in office for the next 4 years. This is very important because having someone who shares my ideas going through college will help make legislature and decisions that will not only benefit me but also the nation. Having someone in office with the urge to follow through with the promises that I voted for will not only help the country but also everyone involved. This will help boost the economy and help America thrive.

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