Voting is Freedom of Speech | Teen Ink

Voting is Freedom of Speech

October 23, 2019
By Anonymous

I hold freedom of speech as the strongest in a row of pillars that holds this country up. It is the forefront of what makes this country great and lately, as a country and citizens, we have lost sight of that of how truly valuable and important it is. 

Freedom of speech is a stream of people protesting to make this country better. Thousands of people speaking in one voice and speaking against a thousand others. It’s walking in all weather, it could be a 75-degree day with no clouds or a snowstorm that canceled school. They are willing to suffer to standing up for what they think is right. 

Freedom of speech is Martin Luther King Jr. bringing attention to racial discrimination and segregation. He fought for what was right, he showed everyone there is no need for violence and that we can be peaceful. With his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 he spoke freely for black citizens that had experienced racism and wanted it to come to an end.  

Freedom of speech is Rosa Parks standing for those who could not; standing for those to give them a voice. She sat on the bus that was for only white people. She took a stand and sat there because she believed everyone should be able to sit where they want. Showing there shouldn't be segregation between the races. She changed the world when she did that and spoke out about it. 

I am thankful for my vote because of Martin Luther King jr. and Rosa Parks taking a stand and fighting for people of color to be given the same things white people received. Them speaking out gave people of color a better life and gave their children a chance of achieving more. Along with thousands of others protesting and speaking their opinion, it changed so much. Some might have said back then that their vote didn’t matter because of the color of their skin but because of everything they did, that’s what my vote will give me.

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