Dear Vietnam Veteran... | Teen Ink

Dear Vietnam Veteran...

May 2, 2019
By anh11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
anh11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

I am 17 years old. My life has not yet begun. However, when you were my age, in a few short months, your life changed. Putting your life on hold, before it even started, is something I can not even imagine doing.

My name is Alexandra and I am a senior in high school. I was recently accepted into college and I work two nights a week. My life is as safe and average as one can get. For you, though, the courage and strength you needed to fight and leave everything you ever knew behind is unbelievable. The amount of bravery you had to fight in a war so many Americans were against is more than I’ll ever know. You fulfilled a duty handed to you by America, and you have earned the title of “hero” because of it.

I know it didn’t seem like it back then, but we, especially me, are eternally grateful for you and the service you gave to America. Thank you for doing the hard job that made Americans feel safe. Thank you for risking your life, for strangers you have never met. Thank you for your sacrifice and commitment, on behalf of myself and America.

Writing this letter, it is hard to emphasize how much I really mean the words I am writing. Please know, I mean every word wholeheartedly.

If you ever get the chance and want to, I would love to hear more about you and your story.

I hope this Honor Flight experience was everything you hoped for, and more. From the bottom of my heart: Welcome home!

Your friend,


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