Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

November 13, 2018
By kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kmuguy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what you can't

One of the biggest things people take for granted in our country is our freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a right we are used to. The bad part is that the freedom to speak out is not the only thing we take for granted.

It is extraordinary what a simple “thank you” can do to a veteran. You never know what that person had to go through to give us our freedoms. The veteran that walked past me while shopping in the grocery store could have been imprisoned and had his platoon mates killed while he was overseas. It was for me to be able to be free in my country.

I could have never known that my neighbor with the glowing green light bulb above his porch saw his friends die in a bombing. Just for me to be able to be free in my country.

The guy that you see with his veteran cap can not sleep because of his PTSD. Just for you to be able to be free in your country.

I feel like veterans are not appreciated for what they have to go through. As American citizens we have the power to change someone's life just by thanking a veteran for their service. Freedom of speech means that we have veterans to thank for sacrificing their freedoms so we can have ours.

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