With Liberty and Justice For All... | Teen Ink

With Liberty and Justice For All...

April 28, 2016
By thinkingoverthinking PLATINUM, South Plainfield, New Jersey
thinkingoverthinking PLATINUM, South Plainfield, New Jersey
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From a young age, I have been a firm believer in equality.  Back in elementary school, I always made sure to say the Pledge of Allegiance, even on days when I wasn't in school.  I truly believed in America back then and that our country offered equal rights for all.  After all, the U.S.A is “The Land of the Free”, right?

Back then, I was at the age where I still believed everything I was told.  That was back before I knew what kind of basic rights were being taken away from our citizens.  Starting a few years ago, I have refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance.  I feel that until our country offers equality- meaning equal rights for everyone, not just the people we like- I can’t believe in this country or anything it stands for.  Same sex marriage is a huge debate in our country right now, but I don’t see why it should be.  It’s simple: LGBT individuals are just as much human as heterosexual individuals.  So, if our country believes that marriage is a basic human right, why is it being taken away from humans?

“One nation under God,”: a part of our nation’s pledge.  Isn’t God supposed to love all of his children equally?  It’s not like being gay has given God a reason not to love a person.  God made gay people because they have a place in this world, so why shouldn’t they be loved?  If our nation really is under the power of God, then all of our people should be loved equally.  Besides, what happened to separation of church and state?  Since when do religious beliefs have the right to get in the way of human rights?

“Indivisible.”  One word can explain so much.  Indivisible means "not able to be divided or separated".  Still, aren’t we dividing our country by giving different rights to different people?  Our country today seems to be divided into two groups: heterosexuals and homosexuals, homosexuals being the minorities.  If our country were truly indivisible, everyone would have equal rights.

“With liberty and justice for all.”  Is there really justice for all?  It sure doesn’t seem like it.  Liberty is defined in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as “the power to do as one pleases.”  Most people have the power to do as they please, but if a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman, he/she has that power taken away.  Therefore, there is not liberty for all.  Justice is defined in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as “the quality of being just, impartial, or fair.”  The key word is fair.  Does it really seem fair that some people can get married after knowing each other for a day while other people who are in love for 30 years have that privilege taken away from them?

The Pledge of Allegiance does not say, “With liberty and justice for most.”  At this point in our history, we do not provide liberty and justice for all, so it’s not fair to have people say those words every day.  I’d like to know that I’m speaking the truth when I’m pledging to my country and its flag.  Until two men can marry; until two women can marry; until everyone can marry, there will be no liberty, no justice.  I will stand my ground until our country is truly fair and just.

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