Equality | Teen Ink


December 13, 2014
By juliak BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
juliak BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you decide to "not get involved" you are siding with the oppressor. If you decide that it "doesn't concern you" then you are siding with the oppressor. If you believe made up stories that "justify" murder, then you are most definitely siding with the oppressor. It's sad how as a society, some of us can carry on while inequality happens right in front of us. We carry on, we listen for a couple days, then soon they become names and faces that we can't remember. Hidden in the back of our minds.

"It's not a race issue." But we ignore the blatant demonization of a certain race. All people, but treated differently. Not because of character, but for the color of their skin. When I was a baby my mother had a portable television in the car to keep me occupied during the long road trip. She was pulled over and because of the appearance of her skin, was given a hard time. Recently this year I was followed around in a CVS by an employee. How could a person make a judgement of someone else by the color of their skin? How is that fair?

It feels as these recent events are  a real life history lesson. They are. We can be on the wrong side of history, and side with the oppressor. Or we can be on the right side, and participate in making history. We can help make a future where the color of your skin doesn't make you who you are, and doesn't change how people treat you. But for that, we have to take action. These protests are not the "eruption of violence." They are people standing up for change. Let's make history. #BlackLivesMatter

The author's comments:

The recent events in Ferguson and the reactions all over the world have inspired me to write this piece.  

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