Stop Asian Hate | Teen Ink

Stop Asian Hate

March 22, 2021
By WilliamChui PLATINUM, Mill Valley, California
WilliamChui PLATINUM, Mill Valley, California
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stop Asian Hate
Too long the voices of us have been silenced.
Wronged, taunted, slashed, slain.
We’ve risen up, awoken
Risen for change. 
Six Asians dead in Georgia,
An 89-year old woman set on fire.
Across the country, a spate of horrific crimes.
Instigated by virtue of race.
Our elders, the most respected,
Lie scorned and beaten.
Communities scarred and forever shaken.
When can we walk on the streets without fear?
Stereotypes abound about us
All of them untrue and misguided.
We are not the model minority.
We are unique, unbroken. 
We are not statistically insignificant.
We are not marginalized nor inferior.
We are not foreigners in our own country. 
We are diverse, a multitude of races banded together. 
We aren’t viruses or contagions.
We are people, citizens, brothers and sisters.
Hate, bigotry, racism are diseases.
We have to get vaccinated against them.
United by a purpose,
Driven by justice and equity
We’ve taken to the streets
Demanding change and an end to hatred.

The author's comments:

This piece was written in response to a string of recent attacks against Asian-Americans, in particular the Atlanta spa shootings.  As an Asian-American myself, I feel strong solidiarity with my borthers and sisters on the streets right now.  It is our duty to stand up for what is right and protect our vulnerable elders.  This poem was meant to express my emotions in this turbulunt time.  I hope that all the readers of this poem will be motivated to speak up about acts of discrimination and stamp out hate of all forms.  

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Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Jul. 9 2021 at 8:19 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
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