Teen responses to Teen Ink articles and art | Teen Ink

Letters to the Editor

Most discussed Letters to the Editor

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By alyssa0401 PLATINUM
Staten Island, New York

“creak. thud. ’honey, please.’ pitter. patter. ’don’t leave.’ swoosh. whack. ’love’s a sham.&rsqu...
alyssa0401 PLATINUM, Staten Island, New York
39 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."

mel2345 BRONZE, BROOKLYN, New York
4 articles 0 photos 8 comments
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By Amo527 SILVER
Defiance, Ohio
Amo527 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments
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Mexico MAG
By Anonymous
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By Thinkception SILVER
Staten Island, New York
Thinkception SILVER, Staten Island, New York
5 articles 18 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No Great Mind Has Ever Existed Without a Touch of Madness"-Aristotle

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By CristalH BRONZE
Phoenix, Arizona
CristalH BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

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kristenjwang SILVER, NY, New York
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments
saltyranchers SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 7 comments
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By pancakebears GOLD
Staten Island, New York
pancakebears GOLD, Staten Island, New York
14 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"'You're the one who says books have to be heavy because the whole world's inside them.'" — Inkheart

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By mariyanovosad GOLD
Brooklyn, New York
mariyanovosad GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments