Response to "Profanity in Teen Ink" | Teen Ink

Response to "Profanity in Teen Ink"

February 6, 2017
By bucket24 BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
bucket24 BRONZE, Lowell, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Curses were rationed and uttered ubered under the breath to avoid detection and punishment’’ this quote stood out to me because they didn’t get in trouble for it. ‘’Profanity has been prolific in speech for decades. And as is the usual trend publications have dragged their feet and kicked in opposition to change.’’  profanity is a bad language to talk in but it’s some times catchy when your with your friends or family members. One day on christmas we were opening and I opened this one girl that I thought it was something else. But my family made profanity jokes towards me.

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